Boston Duck Tours Donates Faneuil Holly to America’s Fleet Museum at Battleship Cove

Duck Boat DonationBattleship Cove is pleased to announce the world famous Boston Duck Tours has donated a World War II era Duck Boat named Faneuil Holly to the museum after many years of service in Boston.

The DUKW (known as Duck) is a six-wheel-drive modification of the 2-ton capacity “deuce” trucks used by the U.S. military in World War II. The amphibious truck, designed by a partnership under military auspices of Sparkman & Stephens and General Motors Corporation  was used for transporting goods and troops over land and water, and approaching and crossing beaches in amphibious attacks. Designed only to last long enough to meet the demands of combat, DUKWs were later used as tourist craft in marine environments.

The Boat will be shrink wrapped for the winter, and this spring, Faneuil Holly will be restored to her WWII era specifications and put on display at the main gate for visitors to Battleship Cove and the South Coast region to enjoy.

Faneuil Holly Duck Boat“We are thrilled at the addition of Faneuil Holly to America’s fleet museum at Battleship Cove. Special thanks to Boston Duck Tours and Bob Schwartz for their generous donation. She is a perfect addition to our historic military family!”

More information about Battleship Cove can be found at, and more information about Boston Duck Tours at


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