Caregiver 101 HESSCO Workshop

HESSCO Logo“Caregiver 101” provides information on community resources, support and respite services for elders and their family caregivers. Participants will receive materials to create a caregiver notebook and will learn successful strategies for managing elder care planning and family decision making. This training is not for professionals.

Presented by the HESSCO Elder Services’
Family Caregiver Support Program on

Thursday, August 14th


The session will be held at HESSCO Elder Services.

HESSCO’s offices are located on One Merchant Street in Sharon about 2 miles north of Gillette Stadium on the corner of US Route 1 North.

To register call Kristin Heuwold, Family Caregiver Specialist, at 781-784-4944 Ext. 238 or email

This program is funded by a Title IIIE grant of the Older Americans Act through HESSCO Elder Services. The educational offering is free although donations are greatly appreciated.

The HESSCO Elder Services’ Family Caregiver Support Program is an initiative of the National Family Caregiver Support Program with support from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs.

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