Category Archives: Community Press Releases

Nursing Home and Rest Home Ombudsmen Sought

HESSCO LogoHESSCO Elder Services in Sharon is currently seeking volunteers to serve as Long-Term Care Ombudsmen. Funded through the Executive Office of Elder Affairs and HESSCO, the Ombudsman Program is designed to provide advocates for quality care in nursing and rest homes. Ombudsmen work to protect residents’ rights, advocate for … Continue Reading ››

Dunkin’ Donuts hosts American Red Cross blood drive at Patriot Place

The American Red Cross and Dunkin’ Donuts launched the “Dunkin’ Donors Make a Difference” campaign on Friday, Jan. 2, with a blood drive at Patriot Place to help increase donations and raise awareness about the need for blood and platelet donations during National Volunteer Blood Donor Month. Boston Marathon bombing survivor Heather Abbott, of … Continue Reading ››

Boston Duck Tours Donates Faneuil Holly to America’s Fleet Museum at Battleship Cove

Duck Boat DonationBattleship Cove is pleased to announce the world famous Boston Duck Tours has donated a World War II era Duck Boat named Faneuil Holly to the museum after many years of service in Boston. The DUKW (known as Duck) is a six-wheel-drive modification of the 2-ton capacity "deuce" … Continue Reading ››

Town Of Foxborough Sharps Collection Day

Foxborough Town SealIf you are one of the many people in Massachusetts who uses syringes to manage your health or your pets’ health care at home, the Town of Foxborough provides a safe way to dispose of needles, syringes, and lancets (sharps). Saturday, DECEMBER 13, 2014 from 10:00 – 12:00PM WHERE: … Continue Reading ››

Sturdy Memorial Hospital Wants You To Act F.a.s.t. If You Think Someone Is Having A Stroke

Sturdy Memorial Hospital LogoSturdy Memorial Hospital, a Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) designated primary stroke service provider, urges the public to learn the signs and symptoms of stroke and to call 9-1-1 immediately if they think someone is having a stroke. Alerting 9-1-1 operators, first … Continue Reading ››