COMMUNITYÂ ANNOUNCEMENT: A fortunate few Commonwealth drivers will soon be displaying license plates with numbers and/or letters such as "67" or "480" or "19T" after being among 161 winners of the MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles 2011 Low Number License Plate Lottery.
Registrar Rachel Kaprielian announced some of the first winners last night on Dan Rea's "Nightside" … Continue Reading ››
Photo by Jack W Reid
FOXBOROUGH, MA - Fire Chief Roger Hatfield announced on Wednesday that Foxborough will open up cooling centers for any resident seeking relief from the extreme heat forecasted for the area.  Cooling centers will … Continue Reading ››
Watch Live Coverage of the Foxborough Board of Selectmen Tonight at 6pm
FOXBORO, MA – The Foxborough Board of Selectmen will meet early tonight (April 12) to discuss the following agenda items:
FOXBORO, MA – The Foxborough Board of Selectmen will meet tonight (Tuesday, March 29th) to discuss the following agenda items:
7:00 Citizen’s Input7:05 FY2012 Southeastern Regional Budget7:25 Road Repair7:50 FY2012 CIP/Operating Budget
Watch live coverage of Bandorama tonight at 7pm on Comcast 12, Verizon 37
FOXBORO, MA - Tonight the Foxborough Music Department will come together for their annual Bandorama Concert.  Tonight's concert will take place in the High School Gymnasium, feature all grade … Continue Reading ››