Invitation to an Information Open House with No Foxboro Casino


Members of No Foxboro Casino invite you to join us for an information open house on Saturday, January 21st, 2010 from 1 – 5pm at The Union Church Fellowship Hall, 384 South Street (corner of South and North Grove Streets) in Foxboro, MA.  Get accurate information and have an opportunity to ask questions, pick up a lawn sign, learn how you can help as a volunteer, and be part of our petition “Mr. Kraft: Please Do The Right Thing.”

If you are undecided on whether a casino is right for the town of Foxboro and the surrounding communities, we encourage you to visit us to learn more.  Complimentary coffee and other refreshments will be served.  Non Foxboro residents are welcome. For information on this and other information open houses which are planned please contact No Foxboro Casino volunteer coordinator Chris Lowey at or call (508)698-3939.

No Foxboro Casino ( is a grassroots group of Foxboro residents interested in preserving the character of the town of Foxboro.

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