Members of the local press will be on hand to pose questions of interest to the various individuals who are running for elected office in the Foxborough Town Election on April 30. All candidates will be invited to participate. The standard question/answer format will be moderated by Jaycee Bob Gillis
The program is being produced for Foxboro Cable Access by Bob Gillis of the Foxboro Jaycees. In addition to the LIVE cablecast on Thursday April 11 at 7:00pm, the program will be repeated numerous times until the election.
Exact dates and times will be listed in the Program Schedule which runs alternately with programming in the Channel8/39 Bulletin Board, and can also be found on the FCA website:
For additional information on Candidates’ Night or other FCA activities or training which is offered at no charge to town residents, please contact FCA Executive Director Michael Webber at 508-543-4757.