If you have ever thought you might want to help at a shelter in your community, then this training is for you!
Sheltering Tabletop
Thursday, May 29, 2014
7-9 PM
North Attleboro Police Facility
Community Room
102 South Washington Street
North Attleboro, MA 02760
In a low stress environment you will be introduced to “Job Action Sheets” for different jobs you may encounter in a shelter: Registration; Dormitory/Facility; Medical (medical only); and Food.
The trainer for this program is Liisa Jackson who is a Preparedness Specialist for “Preparedness Specialties”. Their work includes: training local leaders to prepare their communities for a disaster; train volunteers to support emergency management efforts during a disaster; form a collaborative environment for community partners to help manage disasters more effectively; and develop and update comprehensive disaster plans.Previously, Liisa Jackson was an Emergency Preparedness Planner in the Commonwealth of MA and oversaw the MRC Unit for many cities and towns.
Please RSVP to AnneMarie Fleming at 508-699-0104 or HYPERLINK “mailto:bnmrc@hotmail.com” bnmrc@hotmail.com. Walk-ins that evening are also welcome.
Please join us on October 6, 2009. RSVP to Maureen Cardarelli at 508-222-0118, ext 1367 or e-mail bnmrc@hotmail.com or just stop by!