Understanding my Child’s Learning Style

The Foxboro Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is inviting the community to an informative presentation on Thursday December 1 at the Foxborough Public Safety Building, 8 Chestnut Street, Foxborough MA (police/fire station) McGinty Conference Room

Understanding my Child’s Learning StyleA Workshop for Parents and Professionals

The different ways students take in and generate information can greatly affect how and whether they succeed in school and later in life. The presenter will identify the features of different learning styles and through interactive discussion with the group participants will explore how parents and teachers can harness a child’s learning style to help him/her achieve success in many different environments, including the classroom.

Presented by
The Federation for Children with Special Needs, Schrafft Center, 529 Main Street, Suite 1102, Boston, MA 02129 617-236-7210 or 800-331-0688, ext. 0 or http://fcsn.org/pti/workshops/home.php

The Federation for Children with Special Needs, supported in part by grant #H328M040001 from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs and the Massachusetts Department of Education.

Free and open to the public. No RSVP required.

Please contact Margaret Chaisson with any questions. 508-543-1780 chaissonfx@aol.com


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